About Us
Who are we?
The Concertation of Collectives of Women’s Associations in the Great Lakes region (COCAFEM / GL) created in 2001 by women’s organizations from three countries, namely: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda.
COCAFEM / GL is made up of 11 collectives led by women: Three collectives in Burundi (CAFOB, RFP and DUSHIREHAMWE), Five in DR Congo (CAFED, CFPD, CONAFED, COFAS and UFCOD) and Three in Rwanda (PRO FEMMES TWESE HAMWE , YWCA / Rwanda and RRP +). These 11 collectives group together 1,861 Associations working at the grassroots in the three countries.
COCAFEM / GL was created to encourage the participation of women in regional and national development programs, to contribute to the advancement and position of women in governance and leadership, and for the emergence of their economic power from women .
The consultation has made good progress in the realization of women’s rights, promotion of gender, participation of women in governance, political leadership and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence during the last 15 years of its existence .
Vision COCAFEM / GL’s vision is to have a peaceful Great Lakes region where every citizen, man, woman and child fully enjoys all of their rights.
Contribute to the promotion of a culture of peace, tolerance, non-violence, equality between men and women and the improvement of the living conditions of women and children in the Great Lakes region .
Any action carried out within the framework of COCAFEM / GL is guided by five key values, namely: solidarity, non-violent communication, integrity, …
The interventions of COCAFEM / GL are circumscribed around the following axes:
Axis 1. Communication and Advocacy
Advocate with political decision-makers for the inclusion of civil society in the various programs promoting the status of women, equality between women and men and peace dialogue;
- Promotion of women’s rights and fight against sexual and gender-based violence;
- Promotion of the participation of women in political governance;
- Promotion of women in the emergence of economic power;
Axis 3. Strengthening mechanisms for consolidating peace and security
Improve knowledge to adopt attitudes and behaviors conducive to the promotion of peace and security, human rights and women’s leadership.
Axis 4. Organizational and institutional strengthening.
Mobilization of funding and capacity building of COCAFEM / GL bodies.

President of COCAFEM / GL

First Vice-President

Second Vice President

1. Collective of Burundi Women’s Associations and NGOs CAFOB / Burundi

7. Conseil des Organisations Féminines agissant en synergie COFAS / RD Congo

2. Réseau femmes et Paix RFP/ Burundi

8. Union des Femmes Congolaises pour le Développement UFCOD / RD Congo

3. Association DUSHIREHAMWE DH / Burundi


4. Collectif pour les Associations Féminines pour le Développement CAFED / RD Congo

10. Young Women’s Christian Association of Rwanda YWCA/ Rwanda

5. Collectif des Femmes pour la Paix et le Développement CFPD/ RD Congo

11. Réseau Rwandais des Personnes vivant avec le VIH RRP+ / Rwanda