COCAFEM: Gender-based violence well targeted…

Collective of Women’s Associations of Great lacs region (COCAFEM) welcomes the results achieved against gender-based violence. The Kigali evaluation reveals an interesting journey over a decade.
The evaluation of COCAFEM activities made in Kigali on 29 March 2022 over a period of 10 years (2012-2022) reveals considerable progress in the fight against gender-based violence. The Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) acknowledges the efforts made.
“In the fight against sexual violence, Rwanda is very proud of the step already taken. It particularly recognizes the contribution of the activities carried out by the COCAFEM collective on Rwandan territory since 2012,” says Jean Baptiste Hitimana, in charge of the fight against sexual violence at MIGEPROF.
Through a presentation, COCAFEM boasts of the progress made in particular in the prevention and fight against impunity, “umugoroba w’umuryango” or family vespers and the integration of gender in the plans and allocation of the national budget.
COCAFEM President Marguerite Mutumwinka is satisfied with the success of the national “Zero Tolerance Now” (HeForShe) campaign. “The results have been considerable,” she says.

In the area of justice, judicial measures and increased access to justice have been a remarkable step forward, according to COCAFEM representatives. To this should be added the programmes and public policies put in place.
Jean Baptiste Hitimana promises COCAFEM the support of the Rwandan government. The objective is to remain exemplary among the signatory countries of the Kampala Declaration and the United Nations Resolution 1325. The latter concerns the fight against sexual violence in the member countries of the Great Lakes region.
All the activities of the collective, COCAFEM, are centered on three main pillars. These are prevention, the fight against impunity and the care of women victims of sexual violence.
According to Jean Baptiste Hitimana, from MIGEPPROF, challenges still exist in the fight against sexual violence. Among them, he cites the protection of criminals by certain individuals.
Representatives of various public and private institutions participated in the assessment.
COCAFEM / GL is a regional consultation. It was created at the initiative of collectives of women’s associations from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Rwanda. RRP+, YWCA/Rwanda and PRO FEMMES TWESE HAMWE are members of this collective.
Florent Ndutiye & Gerard Rugambwa